Pro Traditional ZOO
We must admit that all animations of animals captivated living in traditional Zoos are top-notch
Please believe us, we really think about more serious and positive aspects... let's see...
Zoos save animals from extinction! It can and should be done with more animal dignity and even much more efficiently, in their natural habitat by preserving it!
Strengthen kids' emotional bonding and make them interested in animals! Here comes the Dinosaur Dilemma! Do kids love Dinosaurs? We think so. Have they seen one in reality? Presumably not. But why do they still love them...
Having a nice Family Day might be the only aspect we could positively think of. But at the cost of animal dignity, health, or even life? There are many funny alternatives for a Family Day, and that was one of the reasons why we came up with the IRL Greenhouse concept - or maybe stay at your home sweet home with your Family, grab some Popcorn, and enter the Virtual Zoo
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